Thursday, October 29, 2009

Journal page from 1-20-2009

I'm reading -or re-reading, really, as it's too dense to read all at once-True Vision: Authentic Art Journaling by L.K. Ludwig. In it, she quotes artist Katie Kendrick:
"...I journal to connect with the dynamic flow of the universe, to try and understand the life force, the energy with my particular fingerprints, that is streaming through me every moment I'm alive. The process of creating, not the outcome, is what takes me to the source, although the end result, like a mirror, does reflect that creative energy."

I thought I'd post a page from my journal..which I do while "watching" my muse Rachel(at 9, on MSNBC) sometimes at night.. often these girls end up looking horrified at what they hear..this one drawn soon after recent US presidential election looks more hopeful & me, anyway! I'm deliberately trying to hold on to the hope and optimism I felt then, as if anything were possible and the world's story could be re-written. We can beleive and change and grow and things will be better. Yes.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm grateful for my students!

These are my awesome positive psychology & art therapy students -at our last class that had performance art, altruistic gifts, a justice awareness play, & temperate art making. It was amazing--they are laughing because Rebbecca is doing the very goofy gratitude dance they taught us behind me--

check out "The grateful Dance" here for an idea of what she looked like: are you grateful for today?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

"So, like a forgotten fire, childhood can always flare up again within us" -Gaston Bachelard

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Recyled Art

I thought I'd post some of my faverite artwork that makes me happy, as art therapy pratice is so enriched by our work as artists. These are purses and handbags I made from ironing plastic bags to make a new, thicker plastic material, which was then painted and stiched. My sewing machine is still recovering, but I loved how the printmaking turned out on these!

Ribbon Cutting of the Institute for Continuing Education of the American Art Therapy Association!

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Gioia Chilton is a registered and board certified art therapist.


Gioia Chilton, MA, ATR-BC

Gioia Chilton, MA, ATR-BC